Saturday, February 20, 2010


I. Community Heritage and Historic Preservation
1. Renovation of Historically Significant Buildings
Overtown: The CRA proposes to build on the historic character of the area by preserving and revitalizing historically significant structures in redevelopment Area. Projects will be implemented following the completion of the designation of the significant historic structures for rehabilitation. The Black Archives, History & Research Foundation of South Florida, Inc.’s Master Plan identifies the following objectives as a guide in the redevelopment process:
• Effectively communicate information and develop broad based awareness and appreciation of historic achievements of the African-American community through exhibits, special events, tours, and the media.

• Develop a magnet area within the target community for the purposes of: (1) reestablishing a special identity for Culmer-Overtown by focusing one era in its history, the "Little Broadway" jazz era; (2) to establish interest in the Afro-Caribbean heritage by encouraging tourism, trade and cultural exchanges. Develop these themes to attract night clubs and restaurants; programming special cultural events, designing signs, street furniture and public plaza spaces; and creating promotional literature for tourism and local marketing• Preserve, where feasible, surviving buildings which represent important links to persons, activities or events of major significance in the past. • Encourage new development to incorporate uses which would contribute to the vitality of the district such as stores, nightclubs, restaurants, theaters.

• Encourage new buildings to incorporate selected design elements from the past which reflect special cultural or thematic feelings which are relevant today and should be re-established. Consideration will be given to the preservation of all of the identified historic buildings, wherever structural conditions and cost of rehabilitation might be favorable.

Seems pretty cut and dry to me - we certainly hope that this is not included in the plan as "window dressing" to satisfy state statutes with no real intent to do so.  Elements of the plan are there as a roadmap to be implemented, not ignored.

To be continued.

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